Do you ever wonder...

  • How can I be known, understood and truly seen by my partner?
  • How can I have greater love and appreciation in my relationship?
  • Why is my sexual relationship less fulfilling than I hoped it would be. 
  • Where can I turn next to help in creating the marriage I yearn for?

   If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions,

 “This is the place! I am here to help you.”

I will compassionately give you direct input about what is happening in your marriage, as well as how your behaviors are contributing to repetitive and dysfunctional patterns. By seeing and understanding your own contributions to your marital unhappiness, you can change the patterns that are keeping you and your partner from experiencing a joyful home and passionate relationship.

When working with me, you will learn tools that will help you:

  • identify the behaviors you are contributing to unhealthy relational patterns.
  • calm your reactivity while learning to see yourself and your partner with more clarity.
  • learn to collaborate in an equitable partnership around differences.
  • achieve a greater capacity for intimacy and emotional connection.
  • address sexual inhibitions and anxieties.
  • process obstacles that interfere with the capacity for freedom in sexual playfulness.
  • understand and work toward a healthy, passionate and authentic sexual relationship.
  • find enhanced embodied pleasure within a passionate, monogamous relationship.


$245/50 minute session

For more information please email

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