Four Things You Need For a Better Period Experience

Do you remember your first period? I had been keeping pads in my backpack for quite a few months beforehand out of anticipation. Thankfully, when it started during the middle of a school day, I was prepared! I remember thinking how weird it was, and honestly mildly frightening! In years following I learned a lot about getting blood out of clothes and sheets, the power of ibuprofen during the “crampy days”, and how much chocolate really can help you through an emotional day.

Thankfully, since my first period thirteen years ago a lot has happened. People are thinking more about what women go through on a monthly basis and are making an active effort to make it less of a pain (literally). In my opinion, these are the top four things you need for a better period experience.

1) A Tracking App

Tracking your period is so helpful. Having a better idea of what your cycles look like may help you have a better idea of when the first day of your period is which can help you be more prepared! Nothing worse than heading out for a long day at work or school and realizing you are not prepared for the day ahead…

Tracking your period also helps you to anticipate any changes in mood that you may experience during your menstrual cycle. When people generally think of PMS they think of changes in moodiness. But in reality, some people may experience solely anger, sadness, or even impulsiveness. Being able to plan for these changes in mood can help us, and others around us, better understand why we may be feeling the way we are and act accordingly. For example, if I know I am a bit more impulsive before my period, I might make myself wait to make any big purchases until after my period.

There are some tracking apps such as Clue and Flo that cost money, but there are basic apps such as Apple Health for iPhone users that are free and have many of the same tracking abilities!

2) A Bloody Buddy Cup

Sure, I could have just told you to get a menstrual cup but I am passionate about my Bloody Buddy Cup.

I was hesitant for years to buy a menstrual cup. Would it be too hard to learn to use? Would emptying it out be too gross? Was it unsanitary?! So many questions! But the savings in what I would spend on one cup versus months of period supplies was too good.

I did hours of research on different cups. And over and over again I came back to the Bloody Buddy Cup.

They sell their cups in different sizes, and also a full rainbow of fun colors. Their new design has grips on the bottom that make it easy to insert and take out. You only have to empty it every 12 hours (whereas a tampon is like every 3-4?!). It is has been the answer to my period prayers.

Now, I’m sure you’re asking, “But Hailey. What about the learning curve?!” Well. I will tell you I had my learning curve in Egypt and Turkey over squatty potties and had to use bottled water instead of normal sinks. It was a curve. But even in those circumstances, it was easy enough and made travelling for two months much better than it would have been otherwise.

This particular brand has INCREDIBLE resources on their Instagram page. All about how to insert it and take it out, what angle you should use, different folds, how to clean it, etc. I honestly am not sure I have ever used an Instagram page as much as theirs in my life.

If you are looking for a sign to move on from tampons and pads, this is it. Get a menstrual cup. Better yet, get a Bloody Buddy Cup.

#3: MixHers

Okay I can preach all day about menstrual cups and tracking apps, but we are now getting into territory that I unfortunately do not have firsthand experience in. BUT I do know others with firsthand experience, and they are reeeeallly content with the next two products I will share with you.

MixHers is a company that has a series of drink mixes to help women with hormones. They claim to help with PMS, bloating, cramps, acne, etc. While I can’t personally testify if the effects of this are true, my friends’ husbands verify that this product does in fact help with moodiness. And if that isn’t a testimonial enough for you, at the bottom of this page you will find dozens of glowing reviews.

And, to make it even better, you can use the code HERNEEDS for 10% off your purchase!

#4: The Jovi Patch

When I saw my first ad for The Jovi Patch, I didn’t believe it. I thought it had to be some sort of hoax. Weeks later, reviews started pouring in. Friends started trying it. And those same friends fell in love.

The Jovi Patch is made to be small and discreet. It helps combat menstrual cramps in a way that I have heard is unreal. The pricetag is a little hefty, but with average use it only comes out to about $3 a period. I spend about $3 on a chocolate bar every period anyways to reward myself for dealing with cramps, so honestly I might as well just by the patch to nip the problem in the bud. *shrug*

If you choose to buy The Jovi Patch, make sure to use this link to get a discount! And also, please be sure to come back and leave a comment. I want to know your experience with it!


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