How to Practice Postpartum Self-Care

When I first had my baby, I looked forward to baby’s nap time as a moment when I could finally work on all of my chores and to-do lists. Pretty soon my days morphed into never ending cycles of tend to baby, work on chores, baby, chores, back and forth endlessly. It only took a few days for me to crash in a crying puddle of fatigue and self-doubt.

It’s so easy when we’re feeling overwhelmed or tired to trick ourselves into thinking, “once I get EVERYTHING done I can rest and feel better”. The truth is that our stressed out feelings are valuable signs that we need to take a break and recharge asap!

The next time your baby naps or is held by someone else, try taking time to intentionally recharge yourself. Check in with your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Then, decide which one needs the most care and spend time nurturing yourself. It might be helpful to have lists of ideas on what best helps you to refill your cup so that you know what activity to do. Here are a few ideas for recharging:

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
Physical Recharging

First, try taking a nap! Chances are you haven’t gotten enough uninterrupted sleep for a while. Even if you can’t get an entire night’s rest, a few naps during the day can give your body time to rest and heal.

Another idea is to eat a substantial meal! Answer honestly: when was the last time you ate a meal with all the necessary food groups? Could your body be lacking some protein, carb, or (hate to say it) vegetables? You might feel loads better if you actually take some time to prepare and consume a filling meal.

In a similar vein, try drinking more water! Not only is it so good for your body, but that fresh gulp of cold water might be exactly what you personally need to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, especially if you only have a minute to spare.

Finally, it’s hard to beat the physical relief of a relaxing shower. Imagine how amazing you will feel fresh out of the shower, clean of any baby poop, spit up, or boogers. Ahh.

Mental Recharging

To mentally recharge, you could try meditating! There are many free meditation practices available on YouTube. You could even follow a yoga video. Slow, thoughtful stretching can boost your mental and physical health at the same time!

Next, if you only have a minute to dedicate to mental health, simply focus on your breathing. Doing so can help you feel gratitude for your breath and life. It may also give you an opportunity to calm down. Try it for yourself!

Finally, you might try writing a journal entry! You can try a ‘brain dump’ format where you clear your head by writing down everything you want to work on, or you could write about a recent accomplishment. While you have your journal out, it can also be beneficial to read through past entries. I often feel rejuvenated when I read journal entries about wanting to get pregnant or feeling excited to have a baby. It gives me so much perspective and I feel more grateful for the blessing of a baby!

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash
Spiritual Recharging

In your self-care practices, don’t forget to recharge your spirit. One way to do that is to read an uplifting scripture, poem, or song. Think about how the words make you feel or can guide your life.

Next, try saying a prayer. Connecting to a higher power can help you feel less stressed about the little things going wrong, and more grateful for the long-term things going right!

Finally, try serving someone else! We are all struggling through life, but when you spend time thinking of and helping others, you are able to forget about your own problems for a while. Plus, making someone else smile might just be the sunshine your soul is looking for! There are many ways that you can serve even if you can’t leave the couch. Try sending a sweet text, ordering cookies to someone’s house, or calling a family member. It can be that easy!

In your excitement for a new baby, don’t forget to take care of your own health! Make sure you spend plenty of time recharging physically, mentally, and spiritually. Doing so will enable you to be the best mother you can be! Congratulations, mama!


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